Image of James Smith (AKA The Lean Trader)

I’ve worked in the film industry for the last 15 years, working on some of the biggest TV shows and films in front of and behind the camera from television to big Hollywood Blockbusters like Harry Potter, where I played a death eater. an industry that I still work in and fascinated by!

But I’ve always had another interest…Business, a passion that was created after studying Business and Finance at College, this armed me with the tools and knowledge, to go on and create many successful side hustles and passive income streams.

But no passive income is truly passive and apart from my real estate/property investments always need more work than you imagine

And from time to time would become burnt out.  It was one of these times where I coincidentally came across a book in the library called Beyond the Zulu Principle about investing in the stock market.

A book that got me so intrigued that I almost read the whole thing there and then, if it wasn’t for the librarian shouting over that they were closing for the day.

So from that day, I read every book I could about the subject and attended quite a few seminars, but with so many different opinions and strategies, it was hard to figure out what would work.

 I tried technical analysis, which uses price trends, signals, and indicators to find trading opportunities, it all looked good on paper, but the trade would often go against me, And I would also frequently listen to advice on chats, forums and social media.

 Then it was day trading, again, I was often just chasing my losses, I did at one point think maybe this wasn’t for me,

So I researched all my past trades, and I noticed something, the majority of my winning trades came from my research based on certain fundamentals, and so I stopped listening to the forums, slimmed down on the technicals, and cut out all the noise on social media 

 This did’t equal instant success,  it still took months of trials and tribulations and crucially experience.

And, I don’t see myself as some kind of guru, But I do Believe by avoiding the high risk trading that is promoted on social media and understanding that trading is a marathon and not a sprint, I have found a strategy that works for me.


                                                                                                Hi, I’m James                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (aka, The Lean Trader)                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

The Book which is a must read is Beyond Zulu Principle by the late Jim Slater.

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